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Tips to protect your reputation in a divorce

Divorce is hard in so many ways. It affects your present and your future. Going through a particularly contentious divorce increases both your emotional and financial hardships, often for months or years.

With that said, our family law attorneys want you to know that you can decrease your hardships by following the three simple guidelines in the section below. While this might not turn a bitter divorce into a completely amicable one, it can protect you from a devastating character attack on the part of your spouse.

Beware of social media: We all enjoy connecting with people through Facebook and other platforms. However, the things you reveal through social media can work against you when divorcing. A good rule of thumb is to avoid social media until your divorce is complete. If you choose to make public posts anyway, avoid discussing your spouse, your kids and your divorce.

Rein in your bitterness: Emotions like anger and bitterness can cause you to say or do things that you would never do before your divorce. Avoid giving in to the urge to disparage your spouse in any way. Like social media use, the things you say and do can harm your side of the divorce.

Let honesty be your guide: Regardless of anything you might prefer to keep secret, it is wise to be completely forthcoming in a divorce, especially when speaking with an attorney. Remaining honest helps you and your lawyer prevent your spouse and their counsel from blindsiding you by revealing your deepest secrets.

If you have questions about how to navigate a divorce, contact an experienced divorce attorney.